
Configuration for MyCRT can be found at mycrt/service/mycrt.config.json


    // The name of the service
    "name": "MyCRT Server",
    // Whether or not to support SSL
    "ssl": false,
    // Capture configuration
    "captures": {
        // mock mode, used for development
        "mock": false,
        // Period for how often data is gathered for a capture (workload and metrics)
        "interval": 360000,
        // Amount of overlap between intervals
        "intervalOverlap": 60000,
        // Delay between an interval's end and gathering metrics.
        // Suggested to be no less than 120000 to give CloudWatch
        // time to prepare all metrics
        "metricsDelay": 120000,
        // Delay between Capture end and preparing workload and metrics 
        // files. Suggested to be no less than 120000 to give CloudWatch
        // and S3 time to prepare metrics and files.
        "filePrepDelay": 120000
    // Replay configuration
    "replays": {
        // mock mode, used for development
        "mock": false,
        // Period for how often data is gathered for a replay
        "interval": 360000,
        // Amount of overlap between intervals
        "intervalOverlap": 60000,
        // Delay between an interval's end and gathering metrics.
        // Suggested to be no less than 120000 to give CloudWatch 
        // time to prepare all metrics
        "metricsDelay": 120000,
        // Delay between Replay and preparing metrics files. Suggested
        // to be no less than 120000 to give CloudWatch
        // and S3 time to prepare metrics files.
        "filePrepDelay": 120000

Last updated